Pal’ campo, 2022

Commissioned by the Brooklyn Botanic Garden for the group show For the Birds. Thinking of both birds and humans as migratory beings and the idea of home for those who move from one place to another, Pal’ campo (Spanish for “to the field”) is a re-creation my grandmother’s home in the countryside of Almirante Sur, in the town of Vega Baja, Puerto Rico. The wallpaper covering the birdhouse is a photograph of the floor tiles pattern in my childhood home. Pal’ campo is a hybrid memory from elements that I keep a record of during my travels and the notion of what home is to me while living on the mainland.

Pal’ campo, 2022

Plywood and wallpaper

24 x 24 x 10 in

Pal’ campo, 2022 (Detail)

Plywood and wallpaper

24 x 24 x 10 in

Pal’ campo, 2022

Plywood and wallpaper

24 x 24 x 10 in