Under the Stratum/Skin (Industrial Piling), 2018

The elements used in this piling installation embody that which is imperceptible yet always surrounding (They find themselves in a liminal space or threshold between visibility and anonymity) and the physical manifestation of that which is no longer useful and then becomes precarious (The piles of debris in a Puerto Rico post-Hurricane María).


Under the Stratum/Skin (Industrial piling), 2018

Expanding foam, concrete, steel, PVC pipes, debris, sand, industrial tape, black duct tape and yellow caution tape

70″ x 60″ x 20″



Under the Stratum/Skin (Industrial piling), 2018 [Detail]

Expanding foam, concrete, steel, PVC pipes, debris, sand, industrial tape, black duct tape and yellow caution tape

70″ x 60″ x 20″


Under the Stratum/Skin (Industrial piling), 2018 [Installation View]

Expanding foam, concrete, steel, PVC pipes, debris, sand, industrial tape, black duct tape and yellow caution tape

70″ x 60″ x 20″